Hospital Information Management System (HIMS)
Hospital Information Management System (HIMS)
We have been using a comprehensive & integrated Hospital Information Management System (HIMS) software designed to manage the medical, administrative, financial and other aspects of our hospital. Hospital Information System supports comprehensive informtaion requirements including patient, clinical, ancillary and financial management.
HIMS records patient's information, laboratory test results and doctor information. Doctors can access easily patient's information, test results and previous prescriptions including medical record.
HIMS composed of subsystems in medical specialities, like
Laboratory Information System (LIS)
Radiology Information System (RIS)
Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS)
Document Management System (DMS)
HIMS may control hospital official documentations, financial situation reports, personal data, utilities and stock amounts, also keeps in secure place patients information, patients medical history, prescriptions, operations and laboratory test results
Some more benefits of HIMS
Easy access to doctors data to generate varied records, including classification based on demographic, gender, age, and so on. It is especially beneficial at out-patient and in-patients for continuity of care.
It helps as a decision support system for the hospital authorities for developing comprehensive health care policies.
Improved monitoring of drug indent and usage. This leads to the reduction of adverse drug interactions.
Enhances information integrity, reduces transcription errors, and reduces duplication of information entries.
It is very easy to use and eliminates error caused by handwriting.