Services offered
Birthing suit with electronic fetal monitoring and painless labour facilities (Epidural)
Senior Consultant Obstetrician with 28 years of experience with her obstetric team available round the clock.
High risk Obstetric care (gestational diabetes, Pregnancy induced hypertension etc)
Critical care, Obstetrics with ICU
Prenatal and Post natal fitness classes
Nutrition advice during pregnancy and lactation
24 hours availability of ultrasound, MRI and CT scan and blood bank with all blood products
We offer all genetic screening tests and stem cell banking
Breast feeding training to the mother
Availability of dedicated and experienced paediatrician at the time of birth
New born vaccination at birth
New born ICU with Warmer and Phototherapy units
Normal deliveries with electronic fetal monitoring
With immense experience, we aim mostly for normal vaginal deliveries, with a back up of electronic fetal monitoring and epidural analgesia for painless labour. With electronic fetal monitor, we can constantly watch baby's heart beat so that we can pick up any drop in heart beat and take up necessary action.
Painless labour (epidural analgesia) monitoring
Our experienced anaesthesia team headed by Dr Y Ramesh Babu, gives epidural analgesia if you are unable to bear with the pain during labouring process. They insert an epidural catheter through your back bone and inject medication by an infusion pump so that you won't feel any pain.
High risk pregnancy
If a pregnant woman is having any other medical illness or had previous bad obstetric history like recurrent abortions, intra-uterine fetal death, premature delivery or intra-uterine growth restricted baby in previous pregnancy it is called high risk pregnancy, we, the Obstretricians in Aayush, have the advantage of having all superspecialists like cardiologists, Nephrologist, urologist, general surgeon, physicians, pulmonologist, neurologist, neurosurgeon to help us in dealing all high risk pregnancies like cardiac disease complicating pregnancy, severe hypertension, gestational diabetes, eclampsia, renal failure, coagulation failure, epilepsy etc.
Critical care obstetrics
We have very good intensive care units (ICUs) supported by senior anaesthetists, pulmonologist and general physicians to tackle cases like severe pregnancy induced hypertension complicated by HELLP syndrome, cardiac diseases, severe bleeding after delivery and kidney failure.
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Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Aayush Maternity Care
Cherish the experience of new motherhood at Aayush maternity care and enjoy the birthing suit fully equipped for safe vaginal delivery. We assure you the finest services and guarantee your return home as the happiest mom. We educate all the mothers to acquire the confidence to bring their little ones safely to the world, starting from the 1st visit.
At Aayush, along with the critical care team and other specialists of all medical fields, we have the credit of saving many mothers who were referred from outside in critical situations like severe bleeding during child birth (PPH), Eclampsia (High BP with fits), HELLP syndrome with coagulation failure, cardiac disease, Jaundice complicating pregnancy with coagulation failure, severe drop in platelets (thrombocytopenia), acute abdomen in pregnancy etc.
We perform all deliveries in presence of experienced paediatrician who can resuscitate the baby in case if it is required. We have all basic equipment for paediatric care like warmers and photo therapy units.
New born care
Newborn babies who need intensive medical attention are often admitted into a special area of the hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). The NICU combines advanced technology and trained health care professionals to provide specialized care for the tiniest patients.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (Nicu)
We have diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy which is useful for evaluation of menstrual irregularities, post menopausal bleeding and infertility. We can remove uterine polyps, submucous fibroids, uterine septum removals, uterine adhesions, tubal cannulations for proximal tubal obstruction in case of infertility.
Diagnostic & operative hysteroscopy
Aayush – Gynaecology Services
Comprehensive womens healthcare packages available
All cancer screening tests for womens including mammogram, PAP smear and Liquid based cytology
Basic infertility treatment with IUI facilities
All Laparoscopic gynaecological surgeries including laparoscopic hysterectomy, laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy
Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy facilities for infertility like Septal resections, removal of submucous fibroids and polyps
Colposcopy and Cryotherapy facilities available
Menopause clinic
Uterine artery embolisation
With the help of our Urologist, we give treatment for urinary leaks in women (urge incontinence, stress incontinence, fistulas). We also do TOT procedure for stress incontinence.
We are supported by well equipped radiology department wiith ultrasound, color doppler, 1.5Tesla MRI, Multislice CT, Targeted imaging for fetal anomalies, 11-16 weeks early anomali scan, fetal echo, fetal MRI in suspected anomalies. Alll these are performed with stringent quality control. Evaulation of complex ovarian masses, catheter drainage of post operation collections like pus collection in pelvis and other interventional procedures are performed by well experiencced radiologists.
Urogynaecology (eg: treatment of urinary incontinence)
We offer comprehensive health check up for women after 40 years which includes diabetes screening, cardiac checkup, cancer screeing, lipid profile, U/S abdomen & Pelvis, dietcian consultation. We offer hormone replacement therapy for post menopausal symptoms.
Menopause clinic
A 38-year-old working woman from Bangalore with heavy bleeding. Laparoscopic hysterectomy was done. Cut section with large submucous fibroid (fibroid in the center of the uterus)
A 40-year-old woman, got admitted with severe pain abdomen in the middle of the night. Ultrasound showed free fluid (blood by needle aspiration) with a mass lateral to the uterus. It was a large subserous fibroid with red degeneration which was bleeding with another submucous fibroid. Hysterectomy was done.
The commonest cancers in women in India being cervical cancer, breat cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer. We offer screeing programmes for cervical cancer including PAP smear, colposcopy and HPV DNA test. We also offer cervical cancer vaccine for young girls before marriage . We do mammograms for breast cancer screening above 40 years of age.
Cancer screening for women
We routinely do all laparoscopic surgeries like laparoscopic ovarian cyst removals, tubal pregnancy surgery, laparoscopic tubectomy, laparoscopic hysterectomy. We have ultramodern operation theaters to perform all these surgeries. We take up all high risk cases also.
Laparoscopic surgery